Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vol 2 Issue 35

Pic of the week 

Quote of the week

"Don't do your job.  Come hang out with me."
-My manager

What's going on?

What a busy week.  I can't even remember what went on.  Lots of tutoring, lots of Kidville, a little bit of Story Pirates, an audition on the far side of town wherein I had to dance, naps, running, running, running, and a chance encounter with a 50% off running shoe sale - of which I took full advantage.  Merry Christmas to me. :)

Guys.  This time of year, though.  There are so many tasty things to eat!  TOO MANY!  And I haven't really even been to Disneyland in a hot minute!  But don't worry.  I have plans for that.  But how is a person supposed to stay svelte and comely with all of this rich, delicious food everywhere? HOW?!

We had a neurodiversity training for Story Pirates this week.  It was awesome.  We talked about how to make our programming more accessible to more kids, and how to make sure that all kids can enjoy what we do.  It kind of got me thinking about when subjects like this are brought up and people get their knickers in a twist about it.  Because I just think, why is it so hard to just...draw the circle a little wider?  Why does that cause people to get so defensive?  Is it really THAT hard for you to make a tiny adjustment?  I dunno.  Just something I'm thinking about.

What I'm watching

The Crown.  New cast.  Same old drama.  Honestly though, it's such a good show.  Find it on Netflix, k?

What I'm listening to

Too much Kidz Bop.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Vol 2 Issue 34

Pic of the week 

Just gettin' crazy on a Saturday night.  Don't worry, I dominated.

What's going on?

Some of my plants didn't survive my trip to Vegas last week.  We said goodbye to Ezra, the baby spider plant, and to Genevieve the English Ivy I was hoping would climb my wall and make it lush. But as we say, put your shoulder to the wheel, let us all press on, and I guess it's time to buy another couple of plants. Everybody else weathered the absence just fine.  Good to know that I need to figure out how to take care of some of these plants if I'm gone for 7 straight days.  Didn't think it'd be that big of a deal.  All of the plants I have are on virtually every top 10 list of easiest house plants.

Also I took 3 trips to the grocery store on 3 consecutive days.  It's been a week.

What I'm watching

This was just delightful and fun.
What I'm listening to

Dolly Parton's America.  Fascinating series about Dolly Parton, her music, her legacy, and how she seems to effortlessly bridge any and all divides. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Vol 2 Issue 33

Pic of the week 

It was a very colorful week this week.  Can't get enough.

Quote of the week

"Can I expose myself to you?"
So here's what happened.  We were doing a Story Pirates show and in this story the main character was afraid of bubbles.  The kids decided that the way to help him get over that was by exposing him to a bunch of bubbles.  So someone came on stage as a bubble and that's what they said.  Another character immediately said, "Um...maybe let's rephrase that...".  It was hilarious.

What's going on?

I was in Vegas all week with Story Pirates, and this was a tour for the books.  We had such a good time there.  We did 10 shows in 5 days for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500 kids.  On top of that we saw shows, ate at restaurants, walked the strip, visited the Pinball Hall of Fame, and generally lived our best lives.  It was so fun and also so exhausting.  But really we had a lovely time and laughed a lot and stuffed our faces and still probably didn't eat more calories than we burned with all the shows we were doing.  If you find yourself in Vegas, though, I've got some recommendations.

Also!  I signed up for a half marathon.  It's in February.  Never thought I'd ever do something like that but here we are.  So I've been training for that.  Getting some miles in.  My knees are not too happy about it, but they're surviving.  This week in Vegas was actually really nice because I had access to a hot tub post-run.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vol 2 Issue 32

Pic of the week 

This is the view from a hill right by my apartment.  That line of gray you see along the horizon is smoke from one of the fires currently raging in the state.  We were safe, but have had some bad air quality for a few days. 

What's going on?

Happy Halloween everyone!  Hope everyone had a most festive day.  I spent most of the of the day working at Kidville and was not emotionally prepared for all of the cuteness.  Toddlers in costumes is just too much.  During the week I got in some holiday-themed fun: watching Killer Klowns from space with some friends (BIZARRE movie, but fun to watch), hitting up some Dia De Los Muertos celebrations, wandering the neighborhood looking at decorations (some people around me get really into it.).  It was a fun week.

What I'm watching

Great British Baking Show!  It's just so good and so refreshing.

What I'm listening to

This song is a fun little jam.