Amidst working out to Insanity, reading Agatha Christie, rehearsing for Delusion (with pizza from NPH himself), enjoying the occasional iced herbal cream tea, getting a new calling at church (and losing 5 in the process), and frequenting the AMC by myself of a weekday morning ($6 movies before noon!), I feel like I need to re-sharpen my writing skills a bit. I don't know that I have any interest in writing anything in particular, though I would still like to publish a children's book at some point in my life. (And maybe a book for parents of children called "If your baby is screaming in the library, it's time to leave". It would be a very short book.) I just think I'd like to get back in the habit. And my blog could stand more frequent use.
To that end, in October I plan to do a post a day. 31 posts of...I dunno. I was going to say "awesomeness" or "amazingness" or something. But I won't kid myself. Some of them will probably be pretty lame. Just know that up front.
And be prepared for frequent references to Neil Patrick Harris. He's my boss right now and he bought me food this week.